We are hiring: Data Protection Consultant (m/f/d) • Salary range € 50,000-80,000 per year.
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Data Protection Consulting
without limitations

Data Protection Officer, Consulting and Audits at a fixed price

Data Protection Flatrate

DPA, PIA, Records of Processing Activities and more. One flat price.

Data Protection Officer

We will be your Data Protection Officer, so you can be in compliance with GDPR.

GDPR Audit

Fit-Gap or Audit? We'll check the compliance status of your company.

GDPR, ePrivacy and more

We advice on everything data protection related. Don't worry!

Data Security, IT- & InfoSec

Data Security does mean IT- and InfoSec as well.

Business oriented

Our credo: Reports for management. Best Practice for all others.

Reaction times

We answer within 24 hours, no matter which package you choose. In urgent cases right away.


Encryption by default. Data you share with us is hosted on secure german servers.

Supervisory authorities

Profit from our experience with the authorities. We happily support you with any request.

Data Protection by priorities

Legal expertise with a hands-on mentality

Focus usually




Focus with us




Fresh Compliance offers fresh, pragmatic, and legally robust data protection consulting. Responses typically take <24 hours, and often it is much quicker. If it ever takes longer, we will let you know. Our prices are flat-rates and fully transparent. There are no hidden costs, fine print, or unfair contracts. An automated, bi-annual feedback process ensures that we continuously improve, thanks to you.
Our goal is customer satisfaction. We get there through transparent pricing in our consulting packages: no hidden fees, no surprises and no more billing by the hour!

We know how important quick responses are. If we won't be able to answer within 24 hours, you still get a timely update. Audits by the authorities and Data Breaches will be prioritized.

Custom-tailored consulting sounds like a phrase? Let's prove otherwise. We do not write generic reports and we do not ask for department structures in an early stage startup, promised!

Physical meetings and constant updates. We love talking to the people in your company. Regular data protection routines and management reviews are included. You become compliant and we can take over more tasks.

Questions? Write us


We are proud of many hundreds of projects. In addition to international startups and systemically important SME, we also advise the most significant AI companies in Europe

Data Protection on demand

Easy to understand pricing structures with no fine print




Term: 1 year
Appointment of the data protection officer

Data protection consulting
(24 hrs per year)

Compilation of all data protection documents

Data protection eLearning incl.
(up to 50 employees)

Data security eLearning incl.
(up to 50 employees)

Privacy badge included
Optional services

Data protection platform +29€

Whistleblower Reporting +199€

Perfect for startups and small businesses – longer-term consulting with a calculable budget




Term: flexible
Appointment of the data protection officer

Data protection consulting
(normal demand)

Compilation of all data protection documents

Data protection eLearning incl.
(up to 150 employees)

Data security eLearning incl.
(up to 150 employees)

Privacy badge included

Optional services
Data protection platform included

Whistleblower Reporting +199€

Ideal middle ground for those who want to remain flexible in terms of term and costs on a monthly basis




Term: flexible
Appointment of the data protection officer

Data protection consulting
(unlimited / fair use)

Compilation of all data protection documents

Data protection eLearning incl.
(up to 500 employees)

Data security eLearning incl.
(up to 500 employees)

Privacy badge included
Optional services
Data protection platform included

Whistleblower Reporting +199€

The all-inclusive package for many data protection issues, flexible rebooking at any time

Audits and workshops

Comprehensive support through GDPR audits and data protection workshops


from 3990€

Fixed pricing, depending on company size
On-site interviews by two consultants (1-2 days)
Professional data protection audit with the contact persons
Preparation of a comprehensive, risk-based report
Easy to implement action plan included
Perfect for funding rounds, inspections, or certifications

Founder Team

Two founders and a continuously growing team are by your side

Frank Trautwein

… is specialized in technology law and had been a senior consultant for Data Protection & IT-Security for many years. Besides print and online publications, he gives talks and webinars on practical implementation of the GDPR. As certified Data Protection Officer and Lead Auditor (ISO 27001) he develops Information-Security and Data Protection Managementsystems.

Philipp Heindorff

… works as a lawyer and is specialized in Data Protection and Tech Law. Thanks to his extensive experience he is consulting companies from startup to corporate. He advises companies in the IT sector and digital economy as a certified Data Protection Officer and was involved in different matters of supervisory authorities. His focus is on risk analysis and business-oriented Data Protection Management.


Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers about our data protection services
GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation. It's an EU law (“regulation”) on data protection and privacy for all individuals in the European Union and the European Economic Area. Its main purpose is to give individuals more control over their personal data and to harmonize the regulatory environment for businesses.
A Data Protection Officer (DPO) must be appointed if: the processing is carried out by a public authority or body; the core activities of the controller or processor consist of processing operations that require regular and systematic monitoring of data subjects on a large scale; or if the core activities involve processing on a large scale of special categories of data (e.g., health data, racial or ethnic origin, etc.) or data relating to criminal convictions and offenses. In addition to the GDPR requirements, according to the German BDSG, a DPO must also be appointed if a company regularly employs at least 20 people involved in the automated processing of personal data. Furthermore, the appointment of a DPO is mandatory if there are processing operations that require a data protection impact assessment, i.e., those with a high risk to the data subjects.
The Data Protection Officer (DPO) has a control function and supports employees as well as customers with all questions relating to GDPR. They oversee data protection strategy and implementation to ensure compliance. The DPO is your main contact for all data protection related questions.
The GDPR applies to organizations operating within the EU and organizations outside of the EU that offer goods or services to, or monitor the behavior of, EU data subjects. It applies to all companies processing and holding the personal data of data subjects residing in the European Union.
GDPR is extraterritorial in its scope. It applies to any organization based within the EU, regardless of whether the data being processed concerns individuals in the EU or non-EU individuals, such as those from the United States or Australia. So, even if our company, based in the EU, processes data of citizens or individuals from non-EU countries, the data processing is still subject to GDPR rules. It emphasizes the global reach of GDPR and the importance of compliance regardless of the nationality or residence of the data subject.
Personal data is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual. Examples include name, email, address, phone number, IP address, and location data. It can be broad and includes any information that can be used directly or indirectly to identify a person. A hashed or encrypted e-mail address uploaded to Facebook Custom Audience might be personal data for them since they can match it with an existing user’s e-mail address.
Under GDPR, organizations must obtain clear and unambiguous consent from individuals before processing their data for marketing purposes or for tracking purposes. This means pre-ticked boxes or inactivity cannot constitute consent. Also, individuals have the right to withdraw their consent at any time.
Non-compliance can result in severe penalties, including fines up to €20 million or 4% of the company’s global annual revenue (whichever is higher). Apart from financial penalties, non-compliance can also damage an organization's reputation. Many well-known data breaches of Tech companies speak for themselves.

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We only use your data to contact you, we promise!

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